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Searched by Name: Showing 1 results for: murthi

Anand M Murthi, MD, FAAOS (Baltimore, MD)
Submitted on: 07/07/2024
AAOS: Board or committee member
Aevumed: Paid consultant; Stock or stock Options
American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons: Board or committee member
Association of Clinical Elbow and Shoulder Surgeons: Board or committee member
Catalyst Orthoscience: Stock or stock Options
Current Orthopaedic Practice: Editorial or governing board
Current Orthopedic Practice: Publishing royalties, financial or material support
DePuy, A Johnson & Johnson Company: IP royalties; Paid consultant
Globus Medical: IP royalties; Paid consultant
Ignite Orthopaedics: IP royalties; Paid consultant; Stock or stock Options
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - American: Editorial or governing board
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Arthroplasty: Editorial or governing board
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery: Editorial or governing board
MidAtlantic Shoulder and Elbow Society: Board or committee member
Replicare: Stock or stock Options
Restore3D: Stock or stock Options
Stryker: Research support
vTail: Paid consultant; Stock or stock Options
Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: Publishing royalties, financial or material support
WRS-Work Rehabilitation Solutions: Paid consultant
Zimmer: Paid consultant; Research support